James Moon

James Moon
I lead cardiac imaging at Barts Heart Centre and I am specialist in cardiac MRI. I am also the clinical director for cardiac imaging.
I trained at Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial. Originally, the founder of the Heart Hospital Imaging Centre, I am Professor of Cardiology, UCL.
As a former member of NICE technology appraisal committee, I am immediate past President of the British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. I am a pioneer of cardiac MRI research for patient benefits with wide research interest aiming to improve patient.
I am a leading authority on conditions including cardiomyopathies, athleticism, aortic stenosis, amyloid, Fabrys, iron overload and pacemaker patients with techniques including late gadolinium enhancement, T1 mapping, ECV measurement, quality control, analytics and faster, cheaper, easier imaging.
My particular aim is to move cardiology away from diseases definitions based on imaging morphology, redefining by the pathways activated with novel biomarkers and therapies.
I have 280 papers on Pubmed, 41 in 2017. Google citations 18,000, h-index 58.